Personal Style: The ways of Finding Your Style

personal style

Hello girls! Today I came up with a very eccentric topic. We have talked about very specific topics in fashion such as prom dresses and some trendy pieces until today. Now, we will figure out how to find our style which means that we will explore our interests in fashion. Today’s topic is personal style! Everybody has their pleasures and favorites in the fashion area. Likes and dislikes are very changeable. We can come across with our friends, and family members while we are discussing fashion. Sometimes we can hate trendy pieces and sometimes we may admire fashion icons and feel good in some clothes. In this article, we will talk about the ways of finding your style; how you can explore your fashion perspective, and how you can improve your ideas about styling. We will examine everything with titles. So let’s start finding personal styles!

How Can You Find Your Style?

There are many ways to reach your style limits and find the right pieces. But we should start with basic steps. First thing first, you should analyze your body shape; which kinds of clothes look good on you and which do not. When you find your body type, it will be much easier to see your style. Secondly, you should check your wardrobe. If you see what you have and what you don’t have in your wardrobe, you can shop reasonably. This means that you will not buy something you will not need. In this way, there can be much more places for new clothes. Thirdly, you can get inspiration from your environment, celebrities, and social media. In the new era, everybody gets information from someone. We can analyze each of these ways step by step.

personal style

personal style

Right Choices for Personal Style is Based on Body Shape

Body shape is one of the most important points of finding a personal style. If you can see what fits you and what for your body is suitable, you can choose the right pieces. At that point, you can make some small research about body shapes like apple body shape and pear body shape. Also, you may try clothes on yourself, and in this way, you may see the harmony of the clothes with your body parts. You can these articles to find your body shape. Here is an important thing that you shouldn’t forget; even if something is not suitable for you, you are free to wear it because you like it and that’s the whole point!

personal style

personal style

personal style

Wardrobe Check for Finding The Personal Style

One of the starting points of personal style is based on what you have in your wardrobe. You should see what you have bought before and what you have worn. You should realize what you like generally and what you don’t wear. If you see the most needed pieces of a wardrobe, you can create personal style around these basic pieces. Also, when you realize that you are not wearing something that you loved so much before, shopping will be easier for you. You can explore your favorite pieces and what you wear most of the time. In this way, you can make some new combinations with your own clothes. In total, this is a very useful method for creating a personal style.

personal style

personal style

Getting Inspiration to Create Personal Style

Today, thanks to social media and other communication channels, we can follow everything closely. The fashion world is one of these issues. We can easily access the latest trends, trends, and styles from platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. In this way, we can develop and change our own style. We can also follow many celebrities in this way. For example, names like Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, Bella Hadid, and Gigi Hadid are trending whatever they do. We can also take inspiration from them. Sometimes we reflect their style on our own personal style. On the other hand, we create our personal style according to them. For example, if you like this dress by Hailey Bieber and it is a suitable piece for your personal style, I found a similar dress for you.



These are some tips for you to find your personal style. Besides these pieces of advice, you can find your own way. You don’t have be fit these methods. But I think that these methods will be helpful. On the other hand, you can make some research about personal style ideas and the ways of creating a style. I can suggest some alternative searches with this article. Also, this video may work. I hope you can find your personal style easily. See you in the next article!

Stay stylish!

References for the Images

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