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theatrical romantic

Theatrical Romantic Body Type

Hi, stylish! In this article, we will examine the Theatrical Romantic Kibbe body type. Theatrical Romantic describes a particular body shape that has curves, softness, and a romantic, ethereal vibe. How to dress this...
pencil skirt outfits

Pencil Skirt Outfits – New Trend Alarm!

Hi, stylish! In this article, we will examine one of the latest trends, pencil skirt outfits, from a broad view. In other words, we will talk about many styles, from classic outfits that we...
oval body shape

Oval Body Shape Styling Guide

When the subject is fashion, I always think of recognizing your body type and wearing the best clothes that your body can carry, instead of fast fashion. The most important thing for this is...
hailey bieber ring

Hailey Bieber Ring For the Engagement

Today we will talk about Hailey Bieber's engagement ring. Hailey Bieber is a celebrity that constantly attracts attention with her dress and beauty. Most of the things he does suddenly become a trend. Hailey...
t shirt dress

How to Dress up T Shirt Dress?

Are you a comfortable clothes lover? Then you have just started to read what you should be reading. T shirt dress is the ultimate comfortable outfit. Whether it is summer, winter, spring or fall,...
flamboyant natural

Flamboyant Natural Body Type

Our topic today is the Flamboyant Natural body type, one of Kibbe body types. Previously, we talked about the Soft Natural body type, which is also in the natural category. Today we will examine...
line nail designs

Line Nail Designs You Should Try

We are here again with another exciting topic, line nail designs. As we all know, our outfits need some boost to actually shine when we stroll on the streets. And that boost comes from...
personal style

Personal Style: The ways of Finding Your Style

In this article, we will talk about the ways of finding your style; how you can explore your fashion perspective, and how you can improve your ideas about styling. We will examine everything with...
gamine body type

Gamine Body Type

Did you know that the number of people who want to learn about body types and shape their clothing style is increasing rapidly? Nowadays, if you turn any person on the street and ask...
kibbe body types

Kibbe Body Types

One of the most important ways for the clothes you wear to show your body well is to dress according to your body type. These body types are divided into many subheadings. Examples of...
triangle body shape

Triangle Body Shape – How To Get Dress

Do you know that in order for the clothes you wear to suit you, they must first be suitable for your body type? Dressing stylishly and using clothes that suit your body type can...
most expensive engagement rings of celebrities

Most Expensive Engagement Rings of Celebrities

As you all know, celebrities inspire us in many ways, from the things we buy to our style. It can be easier for us to decide what we want in terms of shape and...
guide to wedding dress styles

Guide To Wedding Dress Styles

When it is time to find a true wedding dress, it can be hard to decide. Before browsing the guide to wedding dress styles, you should first determine what model works for your body...
pear body shape

Pear Body Shape – What to Wear

Pear body shape is defined by wide hips and narrower upper body. It is a very common body type among women. I know you, beautiful women with pear body shape, have your curiosities about...
round body shape

Round Body Shape – What to Wear

Before I start this article, I want to say that there is no such thing as an ideal body. All body shapes are beautiful. Everyone's body type is different and varies based on many...