Hi girls! If you planning to go for shopping, you should stop now and read this article! Because, today I’m going to share 2018 fashion trends with you! We are going to talk about handbags, sneakers, sunglasses, pants, jackets… And also I try to show these new trends on celebrities’ outfits! So, if you ready let’s start with my favorite items: Handbags!
This small and beaded handbags are the new trend! Actually, I don’t like this kind of handbags. They always seems like a child handbag to me. However, we will see this beaded handbags at lots popular brands like Zara, H&M, Mango… As I said before I don’t like this trend very much. However, I can prefer to use these bags in summer times. I think that, they will look compatible with our colorful summer clothes. In my opinion, the size of bag is important at this situation. If the handbag is small it is OK for me. However, if its size is big I don’t think It will look modern and chic.
Another 2018 fashion trend is this big and chunky sneakers. Actually, we have started to apply this trend with big white sneakers from Adidas, Nike, Puma… And most of us use it with many different outfits. Because it is pretty compatible with different stylings. Actually, I liked this white sneakers trend however, it was really hard for me to keep them clean so, I didn’t buy it. If you think the same with me you’ll love these new multi-colored and bearish sneakers trend as much as I do!
As you can see from the picture below, this Balenciaga’s are really bearish but stylish at the same time. There is a number written on front of the sneakers which shows your shoe size. It has multi-colored types and also uni-colored types. I think that they are a little bit expensive but if you have enough money to get it, I must say they are really trend!
If you don’t have enough money to get this sneakers you can easily find this type of sneakers from other brands with affordable prices. The point about that 2018 fashion trend is their big and chunky looks. In my opinion, these sneakers look very stylish however, if you have really thin ankles please don’t prefer this kind of sneakers because it look like you have a huge feet! That’s why I still don’t buy one for me.
Summer is coming, so all of us started to buy sunglasses. But read this article before buying a new one! There is a difference about sunglasses trend this year. In 2018, it is going to be popular to wear really small sunglasses. When I say they are really small I mean that they are not big enough to cover even your eyes. They are absolutely useful for complete your styling! Not to protect your eyes from sunlights. That’s why you shouldn’t use them for long times. Just take your photo and wear off it!
You can find different colored and shaped of them. I can say that I like using sunglasses and also I like that 2018 fashion trend. Last summer’s trend was the pastel colored and different shaped sunglasses.I used them all the summer and still I love this kind of sunglasses. And it’s so nice to say that they are still trend! You can also wear pastel colored and transparent sunglasses this summer. Which one is your favorite? Make your choice!
Here is a different 2018 fashion trend! Very very oversized suits are going to be really popular this year. Lots of celebrities wore this kind of oversized and uni-colored suits. Actually, wearing the uni-colored pants and jackets as a suit was trend before and it has turned back with a small difference. You should be careful about the suit’s size. It should be oversized girls! If it is not, it will look outmoded. The jacket must be look like your father’s jacket and also the pants must have loose trousers.
You can see from the picture below, Gigi and Bella Hadid wore this kind of oversized suits. I think that it looks really stylish, however in my opinion these suits will not very functional. Because they are the star items of your wardrobe , so everyone can easily remember that look. It won’t be nice to wear the same think again. If you have to go an important event you can prefer that look.
That is really interesting but yes, this is the new 2018 fashion trend. Track suits are also came back! As you know that, we were stopped to wear track suits, because they were outmoded. All of us started to wear multi- colored tights instead of Tracksuits. However, some of celebrities wore tracksuits so that shows us it is going to be popular again. Especially the Red one!
Actually, some of celebrities wore tracksuits with high heel shoes before this trend. That was the begining of track suit trend. However, I really don’t like when they match high heel shoes and track suits together. I never wear them together and also I never think that they are compatible. I don’t know what do you think about this red track suit trend but it is better than the other one for me. As you can see from the picture below Bella Hadid wore red adidas track suit with black booties and black handbag. It is still not a perfect trend for me but I should say that it is going to be very popular this season!
Here is another 2018 fashion trend. If you have contrast stitching jeans, skirts or shorts don’t put them away! Because it is going to be trend again. Actually, I like white stitch on black jeans or skirts. It looks very good. It will be a good option to buy a new skirt which has white stitches on it!
These are the new 2018 fashion trends that I want to share with you. I hope you get some new ideas about the trends and they will help you when you go for shopping. Stay stylish girls!
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