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Mean Girls

2000s fashion

All About 2000s Fashion

Fashion is as important a concept as the technology and history of that period for us to understand the perception of a period. In addition, our perception of fashion trends is changing much faster...
halloween costume ideas for teens

Best Halloween Costume Ideas for Teens 2021

I am so happy to announce that the spookiest month is on the way! Falls are leaving on the ground and the weather gets darker and darker. The most importantly Starbucks has pumpkin spice...
ariana grande style

The Ariana Grande Style

Ariana Grande has become one of the most famous singers in the world right now. She created an “Ariana Grande style” which is so iconic and unique. She literally has some specific pieces and...

Trick or Treat? Or Get The Best Halloween Look?

The spookiest season has came again! Actually, it is even about to finish… It is less than 2 weeks till halloween and I am here to give you procrastinators some inspiration for the easiest...